Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Importance of Decision-Making

Why is it that things are easier thought than said and easier said than done?

In life,we always make small and big decisions,from the moment we wake up to the time we will sleep.

Some things are easier when you just think about, but notice that when you discuss it,it gets more complicated. What more if you're gonna do it?

Say for example, you have to cook 5 dishes for your mom's birthday celebration. You have 3 dishes in mind,and you only have to brainstorm for 2 more. So,you get to the discussion. You called your two sisters to help you budget the money you have. Then,as you list down the ingredients for all these five dishes,and estimated the prices. You found out that your budget would be short. So,you adjusted everything. Then, you're now at the market. You bought some of the stuff and a few are out of stock,so you have to decide on what to do. You opt for alternative ingredients. And now,you have all that you need. You started cooking,and you didn't know what would be the taste of the dishes without some of the original ingredients. And then suddenly, you ran out of gas.

Things in life look easier than they really are. Especially if you're not in the situation. But if you are in that situation,you will see that those things are more complicated that what they seem.

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